“When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it.” Bernard Bailey

In almost all of the books about self worth and self appreciation it is highlighted that you should know the value of oneself.  You should see yourself as someone of great value, importance and existence to boost your morale and self esteem.  But just like everything else in life, anything that is done in excess is never good.

When you talk about self worth or value what comes in mind is that you are special.  Of course, we all are.  But that doesn’t mean that other people are just your minions.  The main purpose of building self esteem is for you to be productive in the sense that you’ll have a normal and healthy life & relationship.  Don’t get too excited there, when I said relationship it is not just the lovey-dovey thing.  It also means relationship with co-workers, acquaintances, friends & family.  And yes again, you are read it right, there are other people too who you co-exist in this planet.  So for some who mastered the art of appreciating himself/herself alone would definitely be disappointed to know that the Universe doesn’t revolve around them.  That everything will be just fine if they’re not in the picture.  You are important but so are others. It wouldn’t make you less of a person if you acknowledge that and really see that it is what it is.

Besides, don’t you think its wonderful to share moments with someone with, again I’m not just talking about love here.  Others’ story, feelings and thoughts are important too.   We should all learn to give credit when credit is due.



PING BACK: In Other Words

“Remember no one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”


We are the captain of our own ship. We determine what goes on, what comes in and what we allow to happen.  There maybe some who would say, fate has its ways that could turn things around for us.  Yes, that maybe true but how you react to that determine what will be the outcome of that situation.  For no one has the power over you, unless you let them.

I remember my friend saying that I shouldn’t be just a doormat.  I maybe the one in need at some point but that doesn’t mean they can walk all over me.  I should be able to draw the line between being good at what I do and just doing what is asked of me to do.  Just like at work, of course everyone wants to be that dutiful employee.  This is so because you’d want your boss to notice you in a good way.  You probably would think if I do a really good job at something he would notice the skills that I have and what I am actually capable of doing.  But does that include to be at their every beckon call?  Does that involve crossing the line and making them rule over what you think, how you feel, and your notion of right and wrong?  No, by doing so you loose yourself in the process.  You become their shadow, a puppet that they can just do with whatever they please.

There should be a line, and you should know when to draw that line.  Think of it this way, if you were them would you do as they do?  Or would that seem too much?  You can be a good employee, a good follower but at the same time stay true to what you are, what you believe and what you stand for.

PING BACK: Patricia’s Place

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