What I want in love….

love- day2
“Find a heart that will love you at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest.”

I often hear people say about what they want in a person that they will love or want to end up with.  Most of them give physical descriptions.  Though I do agree, that physical attraction is one of the first things that come, it is on a later time you realize or know what it really is that you are looking for.  It is not whether or not he/she has beautiful eyes, sexy lips or a perfect body.  What everyone really is looking for is someone who will be there for them and wipe their tears away, and not those who will be the reason why there are tears in the first place.  Know your worth.  You will be the only one to know whether that person is worth experiencing every spectrum of emotions there is in this world.


For Day two, I nominate:

Love Talk

McGuffy’s Reader

Spiritual Journey

Small, everyday things count too!

quote day1
“Enjoy the little things in life, because one day you will look back, and realize they were the big things.”

I used to think that for something to have a big impact in your life it has to be bursting with a lot of things, a lot of big things that probably happened in your life like a promotion, an extravagant occasion or a trip to somewhere.  But as I age, I’ve come to appreciate the small everyday things that happened.  At the end of the day, though small, they have a big impact on your perception, how you feel about yourself and how you feel and see others.  I’ve come to see the big deal in things like, having breakfast with your mother, having all your brothers, sister & their families for dinner, or maybe just enjoying a quiet day at the park with your loved ones.  Before you know it, those little things, moments in your life may not happen again.

For today I challenge:

Head and Heart babbling

Goth Mom Gamer



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